4. THEY'RE SO LOUD. They just seam to always yell with there high squeaky voices. They always need to be the center of attention.
3. Gossip. "Joe likes Sally!" Its every where. What I mean is every where with girls. Gossip is bad. Why can't they just keep it to them self? Because 98% of the time the gossip is made up.
2. They complain about being fat. They always say that there fat. When there some of the skinniest people on planet earth. They should just stop whining and eat whatever they want. You only get to live once, you know.
1. This is last but definitely not least. Drama. The tiniest thing happens and there goes your relationship or your friend ship. Buy me dinner, buy me a movie ticket, buy me earings. If a boy doesn't meet her every standard, she complains about it and cries about it. Sometimes they even invent drama just because they like the feeling. My advice: be chill, be forgiving, and be nice.
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